Thursday, May 19, 2011

Top 10 Benefits of Homeschooling

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 6:15 AM
Homeschooling comes with its own challenges and is not for every family or every child. We absolutely LOVE homeschooling and it is a good fit for our family. We work through the challenges and reap the benefits of innumerable rewards. I recently came up with a list of the top 10 (that I could think of), in no particular order, benefits of homeschooling. If I've left something off (which I know I have) comment and add it to the list!

~ Parent/Teacher conferences are always convenient and generally go well

~ You get to pick the who, where, and when of field trips

~ Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility

~ Your children become closer to each other, building frienships that will last a lifetime

~ You get to learn along with them, making up for all those things you've forgotten

~ You can tailor the classroom and instruction to fit each child's learning style

~ Days off when Daddy's home

~ Unlimited amounts of quality time

~ You're in charge of what they learn: curriculum, life skills, character, etc.

~ Taking vacations during the "off" season!

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Top 10 Benefits of Homeschooling

Homeschooling comes with its own challenges and is not for every family or every child. We absolutely LOVE homeschooling and it is a good fit for our family. We work through the challenges and reap the benefits of innumerable rewards. I recently came up with a list of the top 10 (that I could think of), in no particular order, benefits of homeschooling. If I've left something off (which I know I have) comment and add it to the list!

~ Parent/Teacher conferences are always convenient and generally go well

~ You get to pick the who, where, and when of field trips

~ Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility

~ Your children become closer to each other, building frienships that will last a lifetime

~ You get to learn along with them, making up for all those things you've forgotten

~ You can tailor the classroom and instruction to fit each child's learning style

~ Days off when Daddy's home

~ Unlimited amounts of quality time

~ You're in charge of what they learn: curriculum, life skills, character, etc.

~ Taking vacations during the "off" season!



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