I'm one of those people who is organized in spurts. I hyper-focus on one thing and make sure that's organized, letting any number of other things slip. I don't like things chaotic and in disarray, I just haven't figured out how to keep up with everything.
My most recent neglected item was the closet off of my office nook. My office is a converted closet and had a cubby hole to the side that my hubby opened up and made a new closet. It's great, but didn't have many tools for organizing. And stuff keeps coming in I don't know what to do with. It's really easy stuff things away in a closet. But, recently it had gotten out of control. School stuff, art supplies, Christmas and pre-purchased Birthday presents, videos, books, paperwork, etc., etc., etc.
So, when my mom came up with my nephews (good entertainment for my kids) I asked if she'd be willing to help. It only took a few hours and an extra pair of hands to make the amazing transformation. I feel immeasurably better about the space and that I can actually use it now. I have other things to be tackles and organized, but I've learned, to maintain balance and create a peaceful environment, I don't have to do it all at once. I only have to tackle one project at a time and not give up.
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