Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Helpful Tools for Christmas

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 7:40 AM
I almost wish I hadn't already done my Christmas cards. Or that I had some other great Christmas craft to do. I might just come up with one.

I'm working on photo albums for the grandparents and didn't want to use any of the graphics that came with my scrapbook program. (You know, after you've used the same program for half a dozen years or so, they get old.) So, I had a brainstorm - google Christmas fine art images. And I found a fantastic website that has loads of free Christmas clip art - good quality and variety. And you know me, if I find something worth sharing, I simply have to share it!

So, if you're in need of some Christmas clip art or are looking for gift ideas, head over to and check it out.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Helpful Tools for Christmas

I almost wish I hadn't already done my Christmas cards. Or that I had some other great Christmas craft to do. I might just come up with one.

I'm working on photo albums for the grandparents and didn't want to use any of the graphics that came with my scrapbook program. (You know, after you've used the same program for half a dozen years or so, they get old.) So, I had a brainstorm - google Christmas fine art images. And I found a fantastic website that has loads of free Christmas clip art - good quality and variety. And you know me, if I find something worth sharing, I simply have to share it!

So, if you're in need of some Christmas clip art or are looking for gift ideas, head over to and check it out.



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