Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When Life's on Pause

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 7:45 AM
It's been over a week since I posted, and I apologize for that. While I realize no one's life is on hold, waiting with baited breath for my next post, I do try to be more consistent than an occasional post here and there. However, sometimes things happen in life that put in a mode of "pause." You know, you're going about your regular routine and suddenly someone hits the pause button and everything is on hold for a while. This can happen for any number of reasons, for me it happened because I did something foolish. Or rather, I didn't do something that I know I should do.

First a little back story: my youngest is 11 and 1/2 months old. I had a very difficult pregnancy and due in part to being a type 1 diabetic and having to adjust my insulin every 2 weeks during the pregnancy (and due in other part to grabbing chocolate chips instead of juice when I hit a low - almost every day) I gained a whopping 65 pounds during that pregnancy. Now, to put this in perspective, I gained a total of 65 pounds in my first three pregnancies COMBINED. Needless to say, I had no problem getting the weight off the first three times, but after losing 45 pounds the first four months, my weight loss stopped. I haven't lost a pound in the last 7 & 1/2 months (okay, I've lost a couple, gained a couple, but have generally hovered at the same place.)

About a month ago my sweet little person began sleeping through the night most nights. That is, 8-12 hours, not the 5-6 they consider through the night for newborns. That meant I was actually getting restful sleep and able to get up and exercise early in the morning. I was on a roll - exercising 3-4 days a week. I haven't lost any weight, but hey, I'm building muscle, right? I even squeezed into my "big" jeans. (Up until now, I've been in elastic-waisted pants and my hubby's jeans.) Then last Monday I went for a walk with my 2 pound weights, was feeling really good and doing curls and arm raises as I walked. I came home and proceeded with my regular routine to get ready for my one day at work.

By the time I left the house, my lower back was a little sore. By 10:00 a.m., I was in constant pain. By 1:00 p.m. I could barely walk. I had pulled a muscle walking.

"Did you stretch?" the doctor asked.

I hung my head and answered, "No. I usually do. But I didn't this morning."

And there it was. I was injured and had a pulled muscle that wasn't happy with me doing anything other than laying down. Thankfully gratefully to good friends, moms, and a hubby with good leave, I had help every day last week. I didn't go to the computer much, and was off in a flash. Even now, 9 days later, it hurts to sit longer than an hour. Fortunately, as a mom, most of my duties are performed standing up.

I am healing, albeit slowly, and getting back into things. I don't like being on pause. But I gracefully was aware enough to pay attention to what God may be teaching me in allowing this. Lesson #1: always stretch!!! Lesson #2 will come tomorrow. For now, I'm going to get off the computer and go lay down and snuggle with my oldest blessing.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When Life's on Pause

It's been over a week since I posted, and I apologize for that. While I realize no one's life is on hold, waiting with baited breath for my next post, I do try to be more consistent than an occasional post here and there. However, sometimes things happen in life that put in a mode of "pause." You know, you're going about your regular routine and suddenly someone hits the pause button and everything is on hold for a while. This can happen for any number of reasons, for me it happened because I did something foolish. Or rather, I didn't do something that I know I should do.

First a little back story: my youngest is 11 and 1/2 months old. I had a very difficult pregnancy and due in part to being a type 1 diabetic and having to adjust my insulin every 2 weeks during the pregnancy (and due in other part to grabbing chocolate chips instead of juice when I hit a low - almost every day) I gained a whopping 65 pounds during that pregnancy. Now, to put this in perspective, I gained a total of 65 pounds in my first three pregnancies COMBINED. Needless to say, I had no problem getting the weight off the first three times, but after losing 45 pounds the first four months, my weight loss stopped. I haven't lost a pound in the last 7 & 1/2 months (okay, I've lost a couple, gained a couple, but have generally hovered at the same place.)

About a month ago my sweet little person began sleeping through the night most nights. That is, 8-12 hours, not the 5-6 they consider through the night for newborns. That meant I was actually getting restful sleep and able to get up and exercise early in the morning. I was on a roll - exercising 3-4 days a week. I haven't lost any weight, but hey, I'm building muscle, right? I even squeezed into my "big" jeans. (Up until now, I've been in elastic-waisted pants and my hubby's jeans.) Then last Monday I went for a walk with my 2 pound weights, was feeling really good and doing curls and arm raises as I walked. I came home and proceeded with my regular routine to get ready for my one day at work.

By the time I left the house, my lower back was a little sore. By 10:00 a.m., I was in constant pain. By 1:00 p.m. I could barely walk. I had pulled a muscle walking.

"Did you stretch?" the doctor asked.

I hung my head and answered, "No. I usually do. But I didn't this morning."

And there it was. I was injured and had a pulled muscle that wasn't happy with me doing anything other than laying down. Thankfully gratefully to good friends, moms, and a hubby with good leave, I had help every day last week. I didn't go to the computer much, and was off in a flash. Even now, 9 days later, it hurts to sit longer than an hour. Fortunately, as a mom, most of my duties are performed standing up.

I am healing, albeit slowly, and getting back into things. I don't like being on pause. But I gracefully was aware enough to pay attention to what God may be teaching me in allowing this. Lesson #1: always stretch!!! Lesson #2 will come tomorrow. For now, I'm going to get off the computer and go lay down and snuggle with my oldest blessing.



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