Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lesson #2

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 7:07 PM
I promised yesterday to follow up with lesson number 2 that I've been learning the last 11 days. I'm feeling better day by day and got back to much of my routine today, which also meant catching up and I haven't spent a lot of time on the computer. Finally, here I am. And here it is:

The lesson God's been using my minor injury to teach me is compassion. A year ago I probably would have said that I'm a compassionate person. But, isn't it funny how God shows you were you fall short in other areas as you begin to submit to Him in some? I can be thoughtful, I can be generous, I can sympathize and sometimes even empathize. But, I have to admit, I'm not the first to be compassionate.

I'm very willing to say, "Do it anyway." Meaning, do something you don't feel like doing if you know it's the right thing to do. Do something when it's uncomfortable, or inconvenient, or you have barriers in your way. Do it even if you're afraid. I still believe that these things are true: if we wait for everything to be in place and to feel like doing something, then we may seldom do the best thing. HOWEVER, this needs to be balanced with compassion and understanding.

If someone hurts, they need that to be understood. Not everyone's situation is the same. If someone is hurt emotionally, or depressed, or anxious, it's real easy to say, "Do it anyway." It takes more character and compassion to stop, listen, love, and encourage.

This past week and a half I have been on pause and in pain. God has used that to teach me to be more understanding and less regimented in my responses to people's situations. I was very fortunate to have loving people around me to help me out as I spent the better part of a week laid on my back (not an easy task with a 7-, 5-, 3-year olds, and 11-month old.) I fought feeling guilty, because that is our tendency as mom's when we see someone else doing our jobs. I fought it because I knew the best way for me to get back on my feet and be 100% mom again, I needed to take that time to heal. And as I did, God brought to my mind others struggles that I have not heeded His call to respond in caring compassion.

I am not grateful for my pulled muscles, but I am grateful that I am learning to hear God's voice in every situation I face. I hope that I can remember and practice what I've learned during this time. I hope that compassion becomes a part of my character, as I learn to submit more and more to Him and continue to be transformed into His image.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lesson #2

I promised yesterday to follow up with lesson number 2 that I've been learning the last 11 days. I'm feeling better day by day and got back to much of my routine today, which also meant catching up and I haven't spent a lot of time on the computer. Finally, here I am. And here it is:

The lesson God's been using my minor injury to teach me is compassion. A year ago I probably would have said that I'm a compassionate person. But, isn't it funny how God shows you were you fall short in other areas as you begin to submit to Him in some? I can be thoughtful, I can be generous, I can sympathize and sometimes even empathize. But, I have to admit, I'm not the first to be compassionate.

I'm very willing to say, "Do it anyway." Meaning, do something you don't feel like doing if you know it's the right thing to do. Do something when it's uncomfortable, or inconvenient, or you have barriers in your way. Do it even if you're afraid. I still believe that these things are true: if we wait for everything to be in place and to feel like doing something, then we may seldom do the best thing. HOWEVER, this needs to be balanced with compassion and understanding.

If someone hurts, they need that to be understood. Not everyone's situation is the same. If someone is hurt emotionally, or depressed, or anxious, it's real easy to say, "Do it anyway." It takes more character and compassion to stop, listen, love, and encourage.

This past week and a half I have been on pause and in pain. God has used that to teach me to be more understanding and less regimented in my responses to people's situations. I was very fortunate to have loving people around me to help me out as I spent the better part of a week laid on my back (not an easy task with a 7-, 5-, 3-year olds, and 11-month old.) I fought feeling guilty, because that is our tendency as mom's when we see someone else doing our jobs. I fought it because I knew the best way for me to get back on my feet and be 100% mom again, I needed to take that time to heal. And as I did, God brought to my mind others struggles that I have not heeded His call to respond in caring compassion.

I am not grateful for my pulled muscles, but I am grateful that I am learning to hear God's voice in every situation I face. I hope that I can remember and practice what I've learned during this time. I hope that compassion becomes a part of my character, as I learn to submit more and more to Him and continue to be transformed into His image.



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