Thursday, February 11, 2010

Enjoying the Ride

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 8:49 AM
Do you ever feel like you're on a roller coaster? Now, I do not appreciate most "real" roller coasters. I hate the feeling just after the top of the hill when you start going down. I don't mind going sideways or upside down, but I dread that initial drop. I can appreciate, however, the metaphore a roller coaster can offer to us.

In life you generally don't see what's coming next. On occasion, we see something coming that we want to avoid, but more often than not we're riding the roller coaster of life with blindfolds on. We never know what's going to come next, or how long the drop is.

I often feel like I'm on a roller coaster in motherhood. Writing the book that I'm working on, I've gotten a somewhat removed look at the ups and downs we go through. It's as if we do well for a while, we're content, happy, enjoying life and motherhood. And then something happens. It can be small or big. It can be a stomach virus, or a defiant child, or a family tragedy. Or it can simply be the adding up of all the little things that bug us. Whatever it is, it sends us plunging to the depths of discontent, grumpiness, and negative thinking. Some days I simply want to revolt- no cooking, no cleaning, no laundry, no reading books, no nothing.

Fortunately I'm connected enough to my God and my godly friends that I don't stay in the pit for long. I'd rather not go there at all, but I'm glad that my trips are much shorter than they used to be. And I know what I need to do to help avoid getting there and/or get out more quickly: I need to stop my negative thinking and think on things that are "true...noble...right...pure...lovely...admirable...excellent or praisworthy;" I need to pray for strength and comfort to do and face what is in front of me; I need to make sure I'm taking "care of [my] own interests as well as the interests of others."

By implementing the things I know to do when I feel that initial drop, the momentum will carry me right out of the pit and back on top, where I prefer to be.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Enjoying the Ride

Do you ever feel like you're on a roller coaster? Now, I do not appreciate most "real" roller coasters. I hate the feeling just after the top of the hill when you start going down. I don't mind going sideways or upside down, but I dread that initial drop. I can appreciate, however, the metaphore a roller coaster can offer to us.

In life you generally don't see what's coming next. On occasion, we see something coming that we want to avoid, but more often than not we're riding the roller coaster of life with blindfolds on. We never know what's going to come next, or how long the drop is.

I often feel like I'm on a roller coaster in motherhood. Writing the book that I'm working on, I've gotten a somewhat removed look at the ups and downs we go through. It's as if we do well for a while, we're content, happy, enjoying life and motherhood. And then something happens. It can be small or big. It can be a stomach virus, or a defiant child, or a family tragedy. Or it can simply be the adding up of all the little things that bug us. Whatever it is, it sends us plunging to the depths of discontent, grumpiness, and negative thinking. Some days I simply want to revolt- no cooking, no cleaning, no laundry, no reading books, no nothing.

Fortunately I'm connected enough to my God and my godly friends that I don't stay in the pit for long. I'd rather not go there at all, but I'm glad that my trips are much shorter than they used to be. And I know what I need to do to help avoid getting there and/or get out more quickly: I need to stop my negative thinking and think on things that are "true...noble...right...pure...lovely...admirable...excellent or praisworthy;" I need to pray for strength and comfort to do and face what is in front of me; I need to make sure I'm taking "care of [my] own interests as well as the interests of others."

By implementing the things I know to do when I feel that initial drop, the momentum will carry me right out of the pit and back on top, where I prefer to be.



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