Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Tips to Getting Chores Done

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 9:56 AM
1. Make a list. It helps to know what there is to be done and feels great when you check things off!

2. Take advantage of small amounts of time. Ten minutes grabbed here and there can really add up.

3. Enlist help. Everyone can help in some way. Even toddlers can put their dirty clothes in a basket.

4. Schedule regular tasks. The trash goes out on a certain day. Dusting, vacuuming, etc. can happen on a certain day, too.

5. Do one more thing. You don’t want to stay up all night doing chores, but getting just one more thing done is always helpful.

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Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Tips to Getting Chores Done

1. Make a list. It helps to know what there is to be done and feels great when you check things off!

2. Take advantage of small amounts of time. Ten minutes grabbed here and there can really add up.

3. Enlist help. Everyone can help in some way. Even toddlers can put their dirty clothes in a basket.

4. Schedule regular tasks. The trash goes out on a certain day. Dusting, vacuuming, etc. can happen on a certain day, too.

5. Do one more thing. You don’t want to stay up all night doing chores, but getting just one more thing done is always helpful.



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