Thursday, March 20, 2008
What's your biggest mommy reward?
Is it snuggles first thing in the morning?
Seeing your child accomplish something on his or her own?
Hearing them say things that you taught them?
Just watching them play?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
What's your biggest mommy reward?
Is it snuggles first thing in the morning?
Seeing your child accomplish something on his or her own?
Hearing them say things that you taught them?
Just watching them play?
- Tiffany said...
My son, Christian, is 2 1/2 months old. At this time in his life, the biggest mommy reward he can give me is his smiles and laughter. Since he is not able to vocalize his desires and wants, his smiles and laughter can be construed as feelings of happiness and contentment. When I see these I know all is right with his world.
March 20, 2008 at 10:33 AM
- Kim said...
This is so hard because there are so many "Mommy rewarding moments" throughout my day. My daughter, Kasey, is 4 years old. One of the most special times for me is nighttime with Kasey. We both snuggle up and read a book and talk about her day until we both fall asleep. Her Daddy and I take turns doing this so we both get in our snuggle time with her. Another rewarding moment for me is when she is talking about her friends or playing with them and how in touch she is with their feelings. She knows when they are sad or just having a bad day and she always wants to help them in some way. Whether it be that she makes them something or just runs to give them a big hug just to try and brighten their day. She is noticing that people have feelngs which is a great thing at such a young age. But honestly, if I had to pick the best part of the day, it would be when she first opens her eyes every morning. I instantly think how blessed I am to have a healthy and blessed little girl. Seeing that tells me right away that it will be another beautiful day that God has given my family.
March 20, 2008 at 2:28 PM
- phil4:13Mom said...
Oh the rewards are endless! But the best one of all that I could even hope to get is seeing my children "get it"-- the gospel. When they say profound things about God/Jesus, or learn something new about God/jesus, it is the best opportunity to expand on them and know that they are getting a solid rock foundation on which to build the rest of their lives.
Dave and I both pray with the kids each night and pray that Gabriel, Emma and Jacob will grow to Love the Lord, have a passion for serving God. There isn't much else I could ask for that is worth knowing other than giving my kids the foundation so they can accept Christ, so then I will be with them in eternity also.
Beth Abbott -
March 20, 2008 at 4:26 PM
- Leigh Anne Langston said...
My rewards come when others comment on the good behavior my Hunter displays when they are around. I know that my hardwork at home is paying off.
March 20, 2008 at 4:28 PM
- Tracy Wainwright said...
Comment by Eleasha via email:
I am truly blessed by God to have three beautiful sons in my life. The most difficult experience I have had as a mother is not being able to do anything when my son, Cody passed away. The reward there was watching him handle the end of his life with such elegance and grace. The watching as my oldest and youngest learned to cope with life without their brother...always showing more concern for me and my feelings than their own. Having the opportunity to get to know them for who they are as they grow into fine young men...they have amazing personalities...they are charming and whitty. I am grateful AND I am truly blessed. -
March 20, 2008 at 9:25 PM
- Tracy Wainwright said...
Comment by Kim I. via email:
As a mother of a teenager who in just three short years will reach
adulthood, "my biggest mommy rewards" are when Gordon says or does
something that indicates that he has been listening to us and
learning--that he "got it." As parents we have our children for
typically eighteen years before they go out into the world without us at
their side to guide and direct them. At this point in my "mommy years,"
I feel that eighteen years is simply too short a period of time to teach
my son all that I want him to know before he embarks on his adult life.
And so, when Gordon performs a random kind act, brings home an "A"
because of studying hard, plays well at a sport because of discipline
and dedication, or acts responsively in a difficult situation, I feel
not only proud of my son, but rewarded. -
March 21, 2008 at 12:56 PM
- Tracy Wainwright said...
Submitted by Tami via email: think one of the biggest rewards for me and a mom is the sweet little smiles they give me when I'm watching them and they don't know it. Then they catch me looking at them and just smile that precious smile and it just melts my heart.
March 25, 2008 at 6:06 AM
- Tracy Wainwright said...
Submitted by Allison via email:
My biggest reward as a Mom has been getting one child set up
for college and the other is watching one sitting in the sandbox talking
to her buddy about heaven and Jesus on the Cross and of course getting
each child saved. The accomplishments have been there but, seeing them
finally graduate or reaching their christian milestones in life have
been the reflection points in life that makes life worth living.
Yesterday I saw a little boy giggling and playing jokes on me and taking
smimming classes tomorrow (meaning in June) I will be seeing my son
graduate from Highschool and preparing for college. It brings tears to
my eyes he will be leaving and growing up. Life goes quick girls enjoy
even the spills of milk or the loud music they play as teenagers in the
car. This week my son told me mom you won't have to hear this much more
and wow it hit me he's right and I knew then I could make myself listen
one more time to christian rock going down the road. I didn't tell him
I probably could listen a few more times because I treasure what a great
christian kid hes been. -
April 12, 2008 at 3:05 PM
- Unknown said...
I think the biggest mommy rewards come at those times when Mommy is the only one that will do. When my kids are hurt, happy, sad, excited, afraid, whatever... and I am the one they want to share it with. Daddy can be there, Grandma/Grandpa, any number of loving people, but in that moment, ONLY MOMMY WILL DO!
(Now I must acknowledge that those times can be frustrating too! There are plenty of times when I think, "Don't you see your Daddy over there??? Can't you go to him??" ha ha) -
April 18, 2008 at 8:38 PM
9 comments on "What's your biggest mommy reward?"
My son, Christian, is 2 1/2 months old. At this time in his life, the biggest mommy reward he can give me is his smiles and laughter. Since he is not able to vocalize his desires and wants, his smiles and laughter can be construed as feelings of happiness and contentment. When I see these I know all is right with his world.
This is so hard because there are so many "Mommy rewarding moments" throughout my day. My daughter, Kasey, is 4 years old. One of the most special times for me is nighttime with Kasey. We both snuggle up and read a book and talk about her day until we both fall asleep. Her Daddy and I take turns doing this so we both get in our snuggle time with her. Another rewarding moment for me is when she is talking about her friends or playing with them and how in touch she is with their feelings. She knows when they are sad or just having a bad day and she always wants to help them in some way. Whether it be that she makes them something or just runs to give them a big hug just to try and brighten their day. She is noticing that people have feelngs which is a great thing at such a young age. But honestly, if I had to pick the best part of the day, it would be when she first opens her eyes every morning. I instantly think how blessed I am to have a healthy and blessed little girl. Seeing that tells me right away that it will be another beautiful day that God has given my family.
Oh the rewards are endless! But the best one of all that I could even hope to get is seeing my children "get it"-- the gospel. When they say profound things about God/Jesus, or learn something new about God/jesus, it is the best opportunity to expand on them and know that they are getting a solid rock foundation on which to build the rest of their lives.
Dave and I both pray with the kids each night and pray that Gabriel, Emma and Jacob will grow to Love the Lord, have a passion for serving God. There isn't much else I could ask for that is worth knowing other than giving my kids the foundation so they can accept Christ, so then I will be with them in eternity also.
Beth Abbott
My rewards come when others comment on the good behavior my Hunter displays when they are around. I know that my hardwork at home is paying off.
Comment by Eleasha via email:
I am truly blessed by God to have three beautiful sons in my life. The most difficult experience I have had as a mother is not being able to do anything when my son, Cody passed away. The reward there was watching him handle the end of his life with such elegance and grace. The watching as my oldest and youngest learned to cope with life without their brother...always showing more concern for me and my feelings than their own. Having the opportunity to get to know them for who they are as they grow into fine young men...they have amazing personalities...they are charming and whitty. I am grateful AND I am truly blessed.
Comment by Kim I. via email:
As a mother of a teenager who in just three short years will reach
adulthood, "my biggest mommy rewards" are when Gordon says or does
something that indicates that he has been listening to us and
learning--that he "got it." As parents we have our children for
typically eighteen years before they go out into the world without us at
their side to guide and direct them. At this point in my "mommy years,"
I feel that eighteen years is simply too short a period of time to teach
my son all that I want him to know before he embarks on his adult life.
And so, when Gordon performs a random kind act, brings home an "A"
because of studying hard, plays well at a sport because of discipline
and dedication, or acts responsively in a difficult situation, I feel
not only proud of my son, but rewarded.
Submitted by Tami via email: think one of the biggest rewards for me and a mom is the sweet little smiles they give me when I'm watching them and they don't know it. Then they catch me looking at them and just smile that precious smile and it just melts my heart.
Submitted by Allison via email:
My biggest reward as a Mom has been getting one child set up
for college and the other is watching one sitting in the sandbox talking
to her buddy about heaven and Jesus on the Cross and of course getting
each child saved. The accomplishments have been there but, seeing them
finally graduate or reaching their christian milestones in life have
been the reflection points in life that makes life worth living.
Yesterday I saw a little boy giggling and playing jokes on me and taking
smimming classes tomorrow (meaning in June) I will be seeing my son
graduate from Highschool and preparing for college. It brings tears to
my eyes he will be leaving and growing up. Life goes quick girls enjoy
even the spills of milk or the loud music they play as teenagers in the
car. This week my son told me mom you won't have to hear this much more
and wow it hit me he's right and I knew then I could make myself listen
one more time to christian rock going down the road. I didn't tell him
I probably could listen a few more times because I treasure what a great
christian kid hes been.
I think the biggest mommy rewards come at those times when Mommy is the only one that will do. When my kids are hurt, happy, sad, excited, afraid, whatever... and I am the one they want to share it with. Daddy can be there, Grandma/Grandpa, any number of loving people, but in that moment, ONLY MOMMY WILL DO!
(Now I must acknowledge that those times can be frustrating too! There are plenty of times when I think, "Don't you see your Daddy over there??? Can't you go to him??" ha ha)
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