Thursday, March 6, 2008

Beginning to Join Together

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 1:03 PM
As we begin to view motherhood as a joint effort instead of an individual endeavor, it will become more of the blessing that it was originally meant to be. So how do we join together in this, the greatest of adventures? Practically speaking, what on a day to day basis can we do? The first part of the answer was covered already. As we take a step back, examine our priorities and obligations, and make changes to become balanced we start the work towards overall health and happiness in motherhood. We begin to be real with ourselves about our expectations and our capabilities. Another important step is to be real with others. I’m convinced that we wouldn’t need so many magazines and books for moms if we would be more real with each other. When I have opened myself up and shown my weaknesses to my mommy friends, the rewards have been great.

1 comments on "Beginning to Join Together"

Robyn Malvasia on March 14, 2008 at 10:35 PM said...

I agree, being real with others is key. Why be fake? If your hiney itches, well, scratch it. Chances are that someone elses itches too.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Beginning to Join Together

As we begin to view motherhood as a joint effort instead of an individual endeavor, it will become more of the blessing that it was originally meant to be. So how do we join together in this, the greatest of adventures? Practically speaking, what on a day to day basis can we do? The first part of the answer was covered already. As we take a step back, examine our priorities and obligations, and make changes to become balanced we start the work towards overall health and happiness in motherhood. We begin to be real with ourselves about our expectations and our capabilities. Another important step is to be real with others. I’m convinced that we wouldn’t need so many magazines and books for moms if we would be more real with each other. When I have opened myself up and shown my weaknesses to my mommy friends, the rewards have been great.


Robyn Malvasia said...

I agree, being real with others is key. Why be fake? If your hiney itches, well, scratch it. Chances are that someone elses itches too.


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