Thursday, February 28, 2008
A tangent - For a Reason Part 1
I hear people say “everything happens for a reason” all the time. I have to presume that if they are saying it that they believe it. The more I think about people believing that everything happens for a reason, the more disturbed I am by this philosophy.
The main reason this philosophy bothers me is that there are a lot of bad things that happen to people that they have done nothing to bring on themselves. Specifically, I think of children who are molested, people killed by a drunk driver, someone struck with cancer, the mom who loses a baby to miscarriage or SIDS. The list could go on. I have a hard time looking at these situations and thinking that these things happened so that something else could happen. And that’s really what people are saying when they adopt the “for a reason” philosophy.
A child is molested so that what? I can’t think of anything good that would be worth a child having to cope with the repercussions of molestation. Cancer happens to someone so that what? Some people find a new passion for life, while others die a slow, painful death. Losing a child happens so that what? Again, I can think of nothing good that would be worth losing a child. Losing a family member because of a drunk driver, or a distracted driver, or a bad driver, so that what? I just have a difficult time believing that the good things that sometimes come out of tragedy are worth the tragedy.
The other reason I have a problem with the “for a reason” philosophy is that there is an implication that God causes these bad things to happen. I’m sure many people with this philosophy don’t believe in God, but if things happen for a reason, who else would cause them? So, if there’s belief in God and belief that everything happens for a reason, that by default puts Him in charge of causing those things to happen. However, true belief in God includes knowledge of His nature, which is wholly good and wholly loving. He is also joy, peace, patient, kind, faithful, and gentle. Those characteristics do not allow Him to create evil.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
A tangent - For a Reason Part 1
I hear people say “everything happens for a reason” all the time. I have to presume that if they are saying it that they believe it. The more I think about people believing that everything happens for a reason, the more disturbed I am by this philosophy.
The main reason this philosophy bothers me is that there are a lot of bad things that happen to people that they have done nothing to bring on themselves. Specifically, I think of children who are molested, people killed by a drunk driver, someone struck with cancer, the mom who loses a baby to miscarriage or SIDS. The list could go on. I have a hard time looking at these situations and thinking that these things happened so that something else could happen. And that’s really what people are saying when they adopt the “for a reason” philosophy.
A child is molested so that what? I can’t think of anything good that would be worth a child having to cope with the repercussions of molestation. Cancer happens to someone so that what? Some people find a new passion for life, while others die a slow, painful death. Losing a child happens so that what? Again, I can think of nothing good that would be worth losing a child. Losing a family member because of a drunk driver, or a distracted driver, or a bad driver, so that what? I just have a difficult time believing that the good things that sometimes come out of tragedy are worth the tragedy.
The other reason I have a problem with the “for a reason” philosophy is that there is an implication that God causes these bad things to happen. I’m sure many people with this philosophy don’t believe in God, but if things happen for a reason, who else would cause them? So, if there’s belief in God and belief that everything happens for a reason, that by default puts Him in charge of causing those things to happen. However, true belief in God includes knowledge of His nature, which is wholly good and wholly loving. He is also joy, peace, patient, kind, faithful, and gentle. Those characteristics do not allow Him to create evil.
- Unknown said...
Hey Tracy,
I don't think bad things happen for a reason or anything happens just for a reason. I feel through God, the Bible and prayer that God has an agenda or plan for each of us. (we just have to have faith) Whether good or bad we just have to pray. Maybe the devil interjects his own twists or turns, but God ultimately is in charge. -
March 8, 2008 at 11:14 PM
- Robyn Malvasia said...
I do not think we will ever know Gods ways, he has the birds eye view, he sees the whole picture.
I have a neighbor who was a terible husband,a party guy. His son was home fom college for Christmas break years ago, he was unaware of the new Monticello road crossing through Cenerville road. He ran right through the intersection because the county was taking there time putting a stop light there. He was killed along with his cousin and the driver of the other car. My neighbor through his grief from the lose of his son found Christ. He now feeds the poor of this community in memory of his son. He distributes food from a truck every week that has a sign that reads "A gift from Ben". I cannot imagine the lives he has touched since his sons death. Did God cause his sons death? Did life just happen? Did God see it coming and did he step back? Either way lemonaide was made from lemons. My neighbors son who was killed was saved, was a son sacraficed to save his father? I have to believe God is in control of everything. We can also help people who are going through what we have been through. Ultimately God can begiven glory through bad situations. A woman who has miscarried can help another who's miscarried by leading that woman to the Lord for strength to get through it. A woman carrying her rapists baby in her womb can place that baby with a woman whos womb is baron.I also think only a person who has lost a child can understand what thats like for another. That is what we are all here for to help each other along the path to get home to HIM. I do not think God causes all the evil in the world but he is aware of it and he has the final say. A flood bad enough to destry every living thing on earth sounds horrible but God did it. I am sure there must of been some small bit of innosence left in Soddom amd Gommora when he destroyed them. God is also soverign. We know from Revelations what the outcome of Satan will be, so why does he and all his demons still have reign on this earth? I cannot wrap my brain around it either. Thats why faith is so important. -
March 15, 2008 at 12:02 AM
- Robyn Malvasia said...
I think also that when Christians say "things happen for a reason" they are really saying "God is in control". I might just be speaking for myself but that is what I mean when I have said that.
March 15, 2008 at 12:10 AM
- Robyn Malvasia said...
Sorry ,I just have 1 more comment. Sometimes I think maybe our bad choices as humans cause bad things to happen. God gave us free will and we make bad choices. When those bad choices are made we suffer or someone else does. Maybe we give the devil a little to much credit.
March 15, 2008 at 12:15 AM
4 comments on "A tangent - For a Reason Part 1"
Hey Tracy,
I don't think bad things happen for a reason or anything happens just for a reason. I feel through God, the Bible and prayer that God has an agenda or plan for each of us. (we just have to have faith) Whether good or bad we just have to pray. Maybe the devil interjects his own twists or turns, but God ultimately is in charge.
I do not think we will ever know Gods ways, he has the birds eye view, he sees the whole picture.
I have a neighbor who was a terible husband,a party guy. His son was home fom college for Christmas break years ago, he was unaware of the new Monticello road crossing through Cenerville road. He ran right through the intersection because the county was taking there time putting a stop light there. He was killed along with his cousin and the driver of the other car. My neighbor through his grief from the lose of his son found Christ. He now feeds the poor of this community in memory of his son. He distributes food from a truck every week that has a sign that reads "A gift from Ben". I cannot imagine the lives he has touched since his sons death. Did God cause his sons death? Did life just happen? Did God see it coming and did he step back? Either way lemonaide was made from lemons. My neighbors son who was killed was saved, was a son sacraficed to save his father? I have to believe God is in control of everything. We can also help people who are going through what we have been through. Ultimately God can begiven glory through bad situations. A woman who has miscarried can help another who's miscarried by leading that woman to the Lord for strength to get through it. A woman carrying her rapists baby in her womb can place that baby with a woman whos womb is baron.I also think only a person who has lost a child can understand what thats like for another. That is what we are all here for to help each other along the path to get home to HIM. I do not think God causes all the evil in the world but he is aware of it and he has the final say. A flood bad enough to destry every living thing on earth sounds horrible but God did it. I am sure there must of been some small bit of innosence left in Soddom amd Gommora when he destroyed them. God is also soverign. We know from Revelations what the outcome of Satan will be, so why does he and all his demons still have reign on this earth? I cannot wrap my brain around it either. Thats why faith is so important.
I think also that when Christians say "things happen for a reason" they are really saying "God is in control". I might just be speaking for myself but that is what I mean when I have said that.
Sorry ,I just have 1 more comment. Sometimes I think maybe our bad choices as humans cause bad things to happen. God gave us free will and we make bad choices. When those bad choices are made we suffer or someone else does. Maybe we give the devil a little to much credit.
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