Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Amazing Mommy Daze

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 10:20 AM
Whew! What a day! Sometimes it truly amazes me what a mommy can get done in a day.

First, it helped that everyone slept in this morning. Yesterday was our first official day out of school (we homeschool, if you didn't already know that) and I let the kids stay up a little later, with the ultimate goal (and it worked!!) of them sleeping in this morning. So, before they got up I: exercised, read the Bible, prayed, ate breakfast, cleaned out a drawer and got ready for the day.

After they got up I: fed them each breakfast, helped the girls straighten up their room some, cleaned out and vacuumed the vehicle, washed it, fed them lunch, read to the 3-year-old, crashed after being out in the heat for a couple hours, read my own book, fixed dinner with a baby on my hip, packed a bag for two to sleep over with Nana, put a baby to bed, weeded in the garden, bathed a tired 7-year-old, read with her, and cleaned up the kitchen from the whole day's mess. Now I'm relaxing with a cup of decaf and the computer. Are you tired?

I was thinking today, as I was vacuuming the car, all the jobs that moms really have to do. Have you ever seen the list that breaks down the jobs moms do and how much their worth? That's fine and dandy to say that I do hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of "jobs" each year, but really (since the paycheck won't be coming in the mail any time soon) I'd most appreciate respect - something most moms are short on. Respect for what we do, that we work hard. And often, the lack of respect comes from each other.

I'm not sure why my brain went to these places today, other than it wonders all on it's own accord. But I thought, a little reminder to recognize the hard work that we each do is never a bad thing. And also, if you don't get that recognition and respect for the WORK that you do, remember, God sees all and will reward you in ways that you could never imagine!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Amazing Mommy Daze

Whew! What a day! Sometimes it truly amazes me what a mommy can get done in a day.

First, it helped that everyone slept in this morning. Yesterday was our first official day out of school (we homeschool, if you didn't already know that) and I let the kids stay up a little later, with the ultimate goal (and it worked!!) of them sleeping in this morning. So, before they got up I: exercised, read the Bible, prayed, ate breakfast, cleaned out a drawer and got ready for the day.

After they got up I: fed them each breakfast, helped the girls straighten up their room some, cleaned out and vacuumed the vehicle, washed it, fed them lunch, read to the 3-year-old, crashed after being out in the heat for a couple hours, read my own book, fixed dinner with a baby on my hip, packed a bag for two to sleep over with Nana, put a baby to bed, weeded in the garden, bathed a tired 7-year-old, read with her, and cleaned up the kitchen from the whole day's mess. Now I'm relaxing with a cup of decaf and the computer. Are you tired?

I was thinking today, as I was vacuuming the car, all the jobs that moms really have to do. Have you ever seen the list that breaks down the jobs moms do and how much their worth? That's fine and dandy to say that I do hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of "jobs" each year, but really (since the paycheck won't be coming in the mail any time soon) I'd most appreciate respect - something most moms are short on. Respect for what we do, that we work hard. And often, the lack of respect comes from each other.

I'm not sure why my brain went to these places today, other than it wonders all on it's own accord. But I thought, a little reminder to recognize the hard work that we each do is never a bad thing. And also, if you don't get that recognition and respect for the WORK that you do, remember, God sees all and will reward you in ways that you could never imagine!



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