Thursday, November 5, 2009

What to do?

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 12:18 PM
Ever had a bad day? An emotional day? A hormonal day? Ever done something because you felt like it, only to drown in regret and guilt later? When we renew ourselves daily in God's Word, we will create a mind-set and have strength to draw on that will help us do the right thing, rather than just what we feel like.

"Temptations come and we either cave in because we're in the mood to sin or we quick-draw from a mind-set that is stronger than our our mood." - Beth Moore (Esther Bible Study, p.62)

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

What to do?

Ever had a bad day? An emotional day? A hormonal day? Ever done something because you felt like it, only to drown in regret and guilt later? When we renew ourselves daily in God's Word, we will create a mind-set and have strength to draw on that will help us do the right thing, rather than just what we feel like.

"Temptations come and we either cave in because we're in the mood to sin or we quick-draw from a mind-set that is stronger than our our mood." - Beth Moore (Esther Bible Study, p.62)



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