Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'm Here - Kind of

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 6:54 AM
I have not run away! I have not dropped off the face of the earth - sort of. I have been all consumed for six weeks now in a new world. God gave me a fiction book series and I have been using every spare minute to work on it. Neglecting my house and hopefully not my children too much has helped me complete book 1, now in revisions, and start on book 2. With all that writing and researching agents to send it to, I haven't gotten to blog. I will try to do better, but this is how I am - I hyperfocus on what's at hand.

I will not be posting any more Farm Fresh deals. It's one of those things I like to do and wanted to do, but feel led to give up.

I will do weekly menus when I stop flying by the seat of my pants for dinner every day. Maybe I'll write down last week's menu, since it's put together already....

I have an upcoming blog post on chores and at what ages children can do things - check back later next week.

For today, I'm going to go get moving, getting ready for Halloween, which we do celebrate by letting the children dress up (nothing scary) and go trick or treating. Mommy stays home and serves chili and apple cider to the parents and candy with scripture stapled to it to the kids. No scriptures this year because my printer broke a week and a half ago. I have a new one, and will be printing invites to our church.

Here's are links, for those interested, to some history of Halloween. Did you know there are Roman Catholic roots to the holiday?

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'm Here - Kind of

I have not run away! I have not dropped off the face of the earth - sort of. I have been all consumed for six weeks now in a new world. God gave me a fiction book series and I have been using every spare minute to work on it. Neglecting my house and hopefully not my children too much has helped me complete book 1, now in revisions, and start on book 2. With all that writing and researching agents to send it to, I haven't gotten to blog. I will try to do better, but this is how I am - I hyperfocus on what's at hand.

I will not be posting any more Farm Fresh deals. It's one of those things I like to do and wanted to do, but feel led to give up.

I will do weekly menus when I stop flying by the seat of my pants for dinner every day. Maybe I'll write down last week's menu, since it's put together already....

I have an upcoming blog post on chores and at what ages children can do things - check back later next week.

For today, I'm going to go get moving, getting ready for Halloween, which we do celebrate by letting the children dress up (nothing scary) and go trick or treating. Mommy stays home and serves chili and apple cider to the parents and candy with scripture stapled to it to the kids. No scriptures this year because my printer broke a week and a half ago. I have a new one, and will be printing invites to our church.

Here's are links, for those interested, to some history of Halloween. Did you know there are Roman Catholic roots to the holiday?



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