Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ten Minutes

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 9:35 AM
While five minutes can make a difference in how my day or a situation goes, I find that much of the day gets broken down into ten minute segments. There is often ten minutes of peace in between meals, chores, arguments and needing to feed the baby. There is often a spare ten minutes before needing to leave the house. There is often only ten minutes to get things done before supper’s ready, time to go, bedtime. This time is easily wasted. If there’s only ten minutes to do something, is it really worth even trying? I say yes. And below is a list of things that can be completed in 10 minutes or less that will help move you along the chore list and getting things accomplished.

Make a bed
Shower, dress, brush hair and teeth
Read a magazine article
Eat an apple for a snack
Windex the bathroom mirrors
Pick up toys in a room
Hang up a load of laundry
Unload the dishwasher
Dust a room or two
Clean the toilets
Shoot a quick email to a friend on your mind
Do some stretching (better than no exercise)
Fix breakfast (if it only involves cereal or oatmeal)
Gather things needed for the day and put them in the car
Fix a salad
Vacuum a room or two, or three
Write a note to a friend or family member
Clean off a counter
Balance the checkbook
Drink a cup of coffee
Read a book to a child

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ten Minutes

While five minutes can make a difference in how my day or a situation goes, I find that much of the day gets broken down into ten minute segments. There is often ten minutes of peace in between meals, chores, arguments and needing to feed the baby. There is often a spare ten minutes before needing to leave the house. There is often only ten minutes to get things done before supper’s ready, time to go, bedtime. This time is easily wasted. If there’s only ten minutes to do something, is it really worth even trying? I say yes. And below is a list of things that can be completed in 10 minutes or less that will help move you along the chore list and getting things accomplished.

Make a bed
Shower, dress, brush hair and teeth
Read a magazine article
Eat an apple for a snack
Windex the bathroom mirrors
Pick up toys in a room
Hang up a load of laundry
Unload the dishwasher
Dust a room or two
Clean the toilets
Shoot a quick email to a friend on your mind
Do some stretching (better than no exercise)
Fix breakfast (if it only involves cereal or oatmeal)
Gather things needed for the day and put them in the car
Fix a salad
Vacuum a room or two, or three
Write a note to a friend or family member
Clean off a counter
Balance the checkbook
Drink a cup of coffee
Read a book to a child



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