Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Spirit of Power

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 10:48 AM
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Power is essential to moms. Not power over my children. Not power over my circumstances. Not physical power. No, the power I need as a mom is the power of the Holy Spirit. I need power to get up in the middle of the night and deal with a screaming child when I’m exhausted from months of being sleep deprived. I need power when I’m in the middle of something and am asked to stop in order to take care of someone’s needs. I need power when I don’t feel good and still have four children who need me to be a loving mom.

When I rely on my own power, I am inconsistent, temperamental, and often fail to be the mom I want to be. My power as a human waxes and wanes, but the power of God and His Spirit never does. As I examine what kind of mom I am, one question I ask is, “am I relying on myself, or on God?” The answer changes more frequently than I’d care to admit. But the more I ask this question, the more I am reminded to rely on God and His power in my every day life as a mom.

1 comments on "A Spirit of Power"

Me on September 29, 2009 at 6:27 AM said...

I just happened to come across your blog and I am very encouraged by your thoughts. I have been studying 2 Timothy 1:7.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Spirit of Power

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Power is essential to moms. Not power over my children. Not power over my circumstances. Not physical power. No, the power I need as a mom is the power of the Holy Spirit. I need power to get up in the middle of the night and deal with a screaming child when I’m exhausted from months of being sleep deprived. I need power when I’m in the middle of something and am asked to stop in order to take care of someone’s needs. I need power when I don’t feel good and still have four children who need me to be a loving mom.

When I rely on my own power, I am inconsistent, temperamental, and often fail to be the mom I want to be. My power as a human waxes and wanes, but the power of God and His Spirit never does. As I examine what kind of mom I am, one question I ask is, “am I relying on myself, or on God?” The answer changes more frequently than I’d care to admit. But the more I ask this question, the more I am reminded to rely on God and His power in my every day life as a mom.


Me said...

I just happened to come across your blog and I am very encouraged by your thoughts. I have been studying 2 Timothy 1:7.


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