Saturday, November 8, 2008
Have you ever had one of "those days"?
I realized half-way down the road that I didn't have my wallet. Which meant that I had to ask for money to buy supper and hoped that I didn't need my insurance card for my appointment (which I didn't, fortunately, since I'd just been there two weeks prior - and yes, mom, I was driving without my license on me.) I also realized that I'd forgotten my insulin. So only salad for me for supper. I dropped off the kids, put the baby down and set the others up on the computer so daddy could continue to get work done. I headed down the road to the doctor's (with 10 minutes to spare) and realized I'd left my phone at my mom's. Oh, well. The Dr's office had a phone I could use to order supper and let my husband know when I was leaving.
I was early to the appointment, but of course they were running late. I finally saw the first nurse who proceded to let me know the plan that would involve an extra appointment in the next month (meaning 6 appointments in 11 weeks) or trying to make it to Norfolk to deliver my baby (1 1/2 hours away on a good day, and my last labor was 2 1/2 hours - not a good idea.) Fortunately she left me in another office to wait on the next nurse. I was trying not to be upset when my resources kicked in. In the quite stillness of that small room God reminded me that He was in charge, He has given me His peace, and that I can do ANYTHING through Him.
I didn't get out of my appointment until 4:30, I got cut off trying to order supper and then couldn't get back through, my husband had been expecting me for an hour before I called because the clocks in my moms house hadn't been changed yet, and it took me nearly an hour to make my way there. So I arrived with supper when I should have been leaving. But I called and got my position at church covered, sat and ate supper with my family (and did have half a slice of pizza) and was completely okay with being late. When things are out of our control, it doesn't help to get harried or upset. Instead, as I've learned, I can be content in any situation - including when lots of little things are adding up to make one of "those days."
I was exhausted that evening and had to put the kids to bed by myself because my husband was working late due to his three hour interruption. But I tucked my healthy children into bed, sat in my comfortable recliner, ate my bedtime snack, took my insulin, and relaxed. Throughout the day that had lots of little bumps, God kept using His Word that I had taken the time previously to read and study to continuously remind me that I was not alone and that all the little things - although aggrivating - really didn't matter. No matter what is going on, what is impacting my day, as long as I've fed myself with His Word and with His Truth, He will sustain me. My job is to prepare long in advance (each day, making Him a priority) and listen when He beckons me to His place of rest.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Have you ever had one of "those days"?
I realized half-way down the road that I didn't have my wallet. Which meant that I had to ask for money to buy supper and hoped that I didn't need my insurance card for my appointment (which I didn't, fortunately, since I'd just been there two weeks prior - and yes, mom, I was driving without my license on me.) I also realized that I'd forgotten my insulin. So only salad for me for supper. I dropped off the kids, put the baby down and set the others up on the computer so daddy could continue to get work done. I headed down the road to the doctor's (with 10 minutes to spare) and realized I'd left my phone at my mom's. Oh, well. The Dr's office had a phone I could use to order supper and let my husband know when I was leaving.
I was early to the appointment, but of course they were running late. I finally saw the first nurse who proceded to let me know the plan that would involve an extra appointment in the next month (meaning 6 appointments in 11 weeks) or trying to make it to Norfolk to deliver my baby (1 1/2 hours away on a good day, and my last labor was 2 1/2 hours - not a good idea.) Fortunately she left me in another office to wait on the next nurse. I was trying not to be upset when my resources kicked in. In the quite stillness of that small room God reminded me that He was in charge, He has given me His peace, and that I can do ANYTHING through Him.
I didn't get out of my appointment until 4:30, I got cut off trying to order supper and then couldn't get back through, my husband had been expecting me for an hour before I called because the clocks in my moms house hadn't been changed yet, and it took me nearly an hour to make my way there. So I arrived with supper when I should have been leaving. But I called and got my position at church covered, sat and ate supper with my family (and did have half a slice of pizza) and was completely okay with being late. When things are out of our control, it doesn't help to get harried or upset. Instead, as I've learned, I can be content in any situation - including when lots of little things are adding up to make one of "those days."
I was exhausted that evening and had to put the kids to bed by myself because my husband was working late due to his three hour interruption. But I tucked my healthy children into bed, sat in my comfortable recliner, ate my bedtime snack, took my insulin, and relaxed. Throughout the day that had lots of little bumps, God kept using His Word that I had taken the time previously to read and study to continuously remind me that I was not alone and that all the little things - although aggrivating - really didn't matter. No matter what is going on, what is impacting my day, as long as I've fed myself with His Word and with His Truth, He will sustain me. My job is to prepare long in advance (each day, making Him a priority) and listen when He beckons me to His place of rest.
Anonymous said...
Tracy, Thank you for sharing this awesome testimony of God's love and assurance of His grace and mercy IF we are His child. I believe we can have this peace and freedom is because we believe that "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." Our current circumstances do not change the fact that God loves each and everyone of us and His forgiveness is available to us all. (Even to me when I make a mistake). However, it is not automatic. We have a choice. We can believe and be saved, or not and perish. We can be saved from the overwhelmed feeling of the hopelessness of our actions because if we are living with our focus on Christ Jesus, we will sustain us for His purposes. (Which is that all come to know Him as personal LORD and Savior.)You can have that assurance today. Let us know how we can help you. God Bless.
November 9, 2008 at 7:35 AM
1 comments on "Have you ever had one of "those days"?"
Tracy, Thank you for sharing this awesome testimony of God's love and assurance of His grace and mercy IF we are His child. I believe we can have this peace and freedom is because we believe that "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." Our current circumstances do not change the fact that God loves each and everyone of us and His forgiveness is available to us all. (Even to me when I make a mistake). However, it is not automatic. We have a choice. We can believe and be saved, or not and perish. We can be saved from the overwhelmed feeling of the hopelessness of our actions because if we are living with our focus on Christ Jesus, we will sustain us for His purposes. (Which is that all come to know Him as personal LORD and Savior.)You can have that assurance today. Let us know how we can help you. God Bless.
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