Friday, October 3, 2008

Make It Fun

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 4:12 PM
It's really easy as moms to get bogged down in the day-to-day chores and keeping up with stuff. It doesn't take much to get caught up in everything we have to get done and get lost to the "stuff" of mothering. But we are supposed to enjoy being moms and our time with our children. To do this we often need to be intentional. There are often moments that will catch us off guard where we have one of those full of fun and laughter moments. But in general, to add more fun to motherhood we have to be intentional.

I'm not the most creative person in the world, but God has graced me with inspirational moments to make my journey of mommyhood more fun. One of the things I did recently was make a menu for my children for lunch. I like to give them choices for lunch, but don't want to wait a half hour while they go through the list of things I'm not going to fix or don't have. So I prepared a Wainwright Lunch Menu and treated them like guests in my restaurant. They got to eat on a blanket in the garage and love "putting in their orders." It made lunch fun and they still ate what I had and was willing to fix without any arguing.

Another thing we often do for fun is race to get the house straightened up. I don't like them to be racing against each other, so we all work together and race against the clock. I set a timer and we rush around (often with me giving step-by-step instructions) getting the house straight. It doesn't seem like as much work to them when it's a game and things go much faster!

Although everything can't be fun, it's an important tool to teach our children that we can have positive attitudes and make things enjoyable even when we don't want or don't feel like doing them. This goes a long way in experiencing life positively and learning patience. It's much more pleasant to do things and/or wait for things when we can make it more fun.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Make It Fun

It's really easy as moms to get bogged down in the day-to-day chores and keeping up with stuff. It doesn't take much to get caught up in everything we have to get done and get lost to the "stuff" of mothering. But we are supposed to enjoy being moms and our time with our children. To do this we often need to be intentional. There are often moments that will catch us off guard where we have one of those full of fun and laughter moments. But in general, to add more fun to motherhood we have to be intentional.

I'm not the most creative person in the world, but God has graced me with inspirational moments to make my journey of mommyhood more fun. One of the things I did recently was make a menu for my children for lunch. I like to give them choices for lunch, but don't want to wait a half hour while they go through the list of things I'm not going to fix or don't have. So I prepared a Wainwright Lunch Menu and treated them like guests in my restaurant. They got to eat on a blanket in the garage and love "putting in their orders." It made lunch fun and they still ate what I had and was willing to fix without any arguing.

Another thing we often do for fun is race to get the house straightened up. I don't like them to be racing against each other, so we all work together and race against the clock. I set a timer and we rush around (often with me giving step-by-step instructions) getting the house straight. It doesn't seem like as much work to them when it's a game and things go much faster!

Although everything can't be fun, it's an important tool to teach our children that we can have positive attitudes and make things enjoyable even when we don't want or don't feel like doing them. This goes a long way in experiencing life positively and learning patience. It's much more pleasant to do things and/or wait for things when we can make it more fun.



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