Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More on Discipline

Posted by Tracy Wainwright at 8:53 PM
As I continued to think on my last post and the principle of pay now or pay more later, I felt compelled to add a warning. Although we are responsible for teaching our children discipline, doing everything that we can in teaching our children, they still are able to make their own choices. There will always be that one child who rebels despite strict discipline. We as moms have to be very careful in how we judge other mothers by how their children behave. It may be the case that she is not doing all that she can in the area of discipline, but it may also be that she doesn't have the tools, or support, or just that the child is particurly strong-willed.

I also felt the need to emphasize that discipline should always be out of love. There are just as many children who are out of control because there is too much discipline with a lack of love and relationship as there are those who aren't disciplined at all. Discipline and love don't balance each other, discipline occurs out of love. This is a fundamental principle found in the Bible, expressed in Proverbs 3:12, Hebrews 12:6, and Revelation 3:19.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More on Discipline

As I continued to think on my last post and the principle of pay now or pay more later, I felt compelled to add a warning. Although we are responsible for teaching our children discipline, doing everything that we can in teaching our children, they still are able to make their own choices. There will always be that one child who rebels despite strict discipline. We as moms have to be very careful in how we judge other mothers by how their children behave. It may be the case that she is not doing all that she can in the area of discipline, but it may also be that she doesn't have the tools, or support, or just that the child is particurly strong-willed.

I also felt the need to emphasize that discipline should always be out of love. There are just as many children who are out of control because there is too much discipline with a lack of love and relationship as there are those who aren't disciplined at all. Discipline and love don't balance each other, discipline occurs out of love. This is a fundamental principle found in the Bible, expressed in Proverbs 3:12, Hebrews 12:6, and Revelation 3:19.



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