1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
We tend to have so many options for things to do to fill up our time, that it's easy to let the less important things slip in and push the more important things out of the way. If I were asked, I'd say that the most important things in my life are:
It's easy to claim these are my priorities, but if I'm willing to be honest and inspect my life closer, I have to ask: Am I living them out? It's much easier to say what our priorities are than it is to spend our time on what we say is most important. Are you willing to compare what you say your priorities are with how you spend your time?
That doesn't mean that if you spend 8 hours a day sleeping and 8 hours a day at work that those are your top priorities. God gave us sleep and calls us to work (whether it's within or outside of the home.) I'm talking more about our flexible time. The time we have that's more negotiable in how we spend it.
If you were to look at your time and make a chart of pie graph, what would it look like? In a typical week, how do you spend your time? How much time do you spend:
Quiet time with God in prayer and/or personal Bible study
Self-care (shower, makeup, nails, hair, etc.)
Physical fitness (exercising)
Watching TV
Non-work time on computer
Housework (cooking, cleaning, laundry, yard work, etc.)
Time with children (taking care of and spending fun time with)
Errands and extra-curricular activities
Church attendance
Care of family members (not children)
Time with friends
Time with Spouse
Ministering to others (cooking meals, helping with errands, making gifts, visiting, babysitting, etc.)
After an honest look, are you living out your priorities? If not, what small changes can be made to move the most important things to the top of your time-list?
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